form 66,147
header {
text "\x1b\x4d*** FASTBASE SALES ORDER ***" 3,32
field login::company(NAME) 5,1 40
field login::branch(ADDRESS) 6,1 40,3
text "Telephone $login::branch(PHONE_NO)" 9,1
text "Customer No :" 5,50
field customer(PART) 5,65 10
text "Page No :" 6,50
field page_no 6,64 2.0
text "Order Date :" 7,50
field order_header(ORDER_DATE) 7,65 D10
text "Print Date : [date::display [date::today]]" 8,50
text "Operator :" 9,50
field operator(NAME) 9,65 25
text "Customer Ref : $order_header(ORDER_NO)" 13,1
text "Order Ref :" 13,50
field order_header(REF) 13,65 10
if {$pslip != ""} {
text "Packing Slip :" 14,50
field pslip 14,65 10
text "Postal Address:" 16,1
field customer(NAME) 17,1 40
field customer(ADDRESS) 18,1 40,4
text "DELIVER TO:" 16,50
field order_header(DELIVERY_NAME) 17,50 40
field order_header(DELIVERY_ADDRESS) 18,50 40,4
text "\x0fPart No" 24,1
text "Description" 24,15
text "Make & Model" 24,56
text "Loc. ORD B/O SUP Price Ext" 24,101
text "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" 25,1
body 26,14 49,87 {
field part(PART) 1 12
field part(NAME) 14 40
field part(NAME2) 55 40
# find the stock location for this part/branch
set location [lindex [lindex [sql "SELECT WAREHOUSE_LOCATION FROM STOCK_QTY
where COMPANY_ID = '$login::company_id'
and PART = $part(NUMBER)
and BRANCH = '$order_header(BRANCH)'"] 0] 0]
text $location 100
field order_line(QTY_REQUIRED) 104 6.0
field order_line(QTY_BACKORDERED) 110 6.0
field order_line(QTY_SUPPLIED) 116 6.0
field order_line(NET_PRICE) 122 8.2
field order_line(ORDER_VALUE) 130 10.2
footer {
text "\x1b\x4d" 50,1
field order_header(DELIVERY_INSTRUCTIONS) 52,5 50,4
text "Picked By : ______________________________" 56,5
text "Checked By : ______________________________" 58,5
# packing slip? print the delivery method
if {$pslip != ""} {
set delivery [lindex [lindex [sql "SELECT NAME FROM COURIER
where COMPANY_ID = '$login::company_id'
and CODE = '$packing_slip(COURIER)'"] 0] 0]
text $delivery 54,5
set order_header(ORDER_VALUE) [expr {$order_header(ORDER_VALUE) + $packing_slip(FREIGHT)}]
text "Freight" 54,70
field packing_slip(FREIGHT) 54,83 10.2
text "Subtotal" 56,70
field order_header(ORDER_VALUE) 56,83 10.2
set TOTAL [expr {$order_header(ORDER_VALUE) * 1.125}]
set GST [expr {$TOTAL - $order_header(ORDER_VALUE)}]
text "GST" 57,70
field GST 57,83 10.2
text "TOTAL" 58,70
field TOTAL 58,83 10.2
text "\x12" 59,1