ML Tcl/tk Text Editor - v1.12


This editor program is designed for editing tcl/tk source files, it can however edit any text file. I am writing this editor mainly because I wanted an editor which displayed a list of procedures in the file and provided the ability to go to them with the click of a button. Screen Shot.

The editor may take a few seconds to open a file as it does full syntax highlighting on start-up. Editing is quick and syntax highlighting is only processed on lines that change and text that is inserted.


The editor is not designed for everybody and personal preferences such as fonts and colours can only be changed by editing the source code.


Download any of the following 3 options; (Tcl\tk 8.1.1 is required as minimum, 8.3+ is recommended)

  1. ml.tcl, combobox.tcl & supertext.tcl (~100k, you may need to right-click to save)
  2. (~30k, download zip file as alternative)
  3. ml.exe (~700k, windows executable generated by freeWrap, tcl/tk not required.)

Download any of the above options as required and save the file(s) into any directory and start the editor with:

	wish ml.tcl "files to edit"
"files to edit" includes any number of file names and can also include wildcards. One window is opened for every file. The start-up time will be effected by the number and size of files opened. This editor has been tested on Win98 and Linux. On windows I recommend adding a desktop icon (shortcut) to "ml.tcl".

There is now also a French version available thanks to David Zolli. You can find it here, follow the "Projets" link in the blue menu at top, you'll find the link to french ML.


Written by Peter Campbell for the FastBase Development Company Ltd.

Change History

Other Miscellaneous Tcl Projects

See for details.