Entered Wed, 16 Jul 2003 09:57 by Peter Campbell
Updated Mon, 22 May 2006 15:31 Previous
Do the following on the server; change the "setup.dat" file to include:
set setup(remote_users) {...}
set setup(remote_servers) {...}
See Setup.dat - Remote Support for a description of the setup() options.
Once these changes have been made you'll need to restart the fastbase remote server.
For computers that already have fastbase running on a local network you simply need to create a short-cut to "fbclient" and save the "fastbase.dat" file (see above instructions also for assistance).
The "C:\FASTBASE.DAT" should look like this:
set setup(remote_servers) {{"Name" ip_address database_name port_number}}
set setup(remote_user) "user name"
set setup(remote_password) "password from setup.dat file"
set setup(remote_standalone) 0
Note:Set this option to "1" only if your computer uses fastbase remotely all the time, ie: it does not have local access to fastbase. Setting this option tells the system to check for updated software and download all new programs every time you start FastBase.