>> Fastbase Business Software Ltd

Fastbase Accounting System - Online Manual

Parts Alternate Suppliers

Document 103067/1

Entered Wed, 2 Apr 2003 10:02 by
Updated Wed, 31 Aug 2005 16:34

When you select "Alternate Suppliers" from the "More Options" menu, you will see a list of suppliers that stock the same part.

The information showed on this screen includes the supplier name, the suppliers part number, cost price and currency.

Alternate suppliers are recorded by the system automatically whenever a product is purchased by a supplier that isn't the default/main supplier.

You can also add a new alternate supplier by click on "New", entering the relevant details and saving.

When a purchase order or goods receipt is entered the system will use the alternate supplier details when the supplier being used is not the main supplier. Details used include the cost price and supplier part number.

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