>> Fastbase Business Software Ltd

Fastbase Accounting System - Online Manual

Customer Statement (gdi)

Document 102768/1

Entered Mon, 13 Jan 2003 17:18 by Peter Campbell
Updated Mon, 13 Jan 2003 17:19

set layout(gdi) 1

form 0,0 {}

header {
# acs logo
gdi_photo 0 0 7.5 1 image_acs

# draw lines on the form
gdi_rectangle 1 6.3 81 9.2 -width 5 -outline green -fill lightyellow
text "STATEMENT" 7.7,32 -size 18

gdi_rectangle 1 10.3 81 18 -width 5 -outline green -fill lightyellow
gdi_rectangle 1 18.3 81 19.8 -width 5 -outline green -fill lightyellow

gdi_rectangle 1 22.3 70 23.8 -width 5 -outline green -fill lightyellow
gdi_rectangle 1 24.3 70 46.5 -width 5 -outline green -fill lightyellow
gdi_rectangle 70 22.3 81 23.8 -width 5 -outline green -fill lightyellow
gdi_rectangle 70 24.3 81 46.5 -width 5 -outline green -fill lightyellow

field customer(NAME) 11,3 38
field customer(ADDRESS) 12,3 38,4
text "In Account With:" 11,42
text "$login::company(NAME)" 12,42 -bold 3
field login::company(ADDRESS) 13,42 40,4

text "Customer No: $customer(PART)" 17,3

text "Statement Date:" 19,3
field period_end 19,16 D10

text "Page No:" 19,42
field page_no 19,50 6

text "Date" 23,2
text "Type" 23,12
text "Our Ref" 23,20
text "Your Ref" 23,33
text "Debit" 23,58 -anchor e
text "Credit" 23,68 -anchor e
text "Balance" 23,80 -anchor e

body 25,2 45,68 {
field tran(DATE) 2 D8
field tran(TYPE) 12 5
field tran(REF) 20 14
field tran(ORDER_NO) 33 14
field debit 58 9.2 -anchor e
field credit 68 9.2 -anchor e
field running_balance 80 10.2 -anchor e

footer {
# draw box
gdi_rectangle 1 47.2 70 50.5 -width 5 -outline green -fill lightyellow
gdi_rectangle 70 47.2 81 50.5 -width 5 -outline green -fill lightyellow

text "3 Months+" 48,20 -anchor e
field balance(90+) 49,20 10.2 -anchor e

text "2 Months" 48,35 -anchor e
field balance(60) 49,35 10.2 -anchor e

text "1 Month" 48,50 -anchor e
field balance(30) 49,50 10.2 -anchor e

text "Current" 48,65 -anchor e
field balance(current) 49,65 10.2 -anchor e

text "Total Due $" 48,80 -anchor e -bold 3
field balance(total) 49,80 10.2 -anchor e -bold 3

gdi_rectangle 0 51.4 82 51.4 -width 5

gdi_rectangle 1 52.2 70 64.8 -width 5 -outline green -fill lightyellow
gdi_rectangle 70 52.2 81 64.8 -width 5 -outline green -fill lightyellow

text "REMITTANCE ADVICE for $login::company(NAME)" 53,3 -bold 3

text "FROM:" 55,3
field customer(NAME) 56,3 40
field customer(ADDRESS) 57,3 40,4

field period_end 62,2 D10

text "Customer No:" 64,2
field customer(PART) 64,14 10

text "3 Months & Over" 59,68 -anchor e
field balance(90+) 59,80 10.2 -anchor e

text "2 Months" 60,68 -anchor e
field balance(60) 60,80 10.2 -anchor e

text "1 Month" 61,68 -anchor e
field balance(30) 61,80 10.2 -anchor e

text "Current" 62,68 -anchor e
field balance(current) 62,80 10.2 -anchor e

text "Total Due $" 64,68 -anchor e -bold 3
field balance(total) 64,80 10.2 -anchor e -bold 3

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