>> Fastbase Business Software Ltd

Fastbase Accounting System - Online Manual

Purchase Order (text)

Document 102763/1

Entered Mon, 13 Jan 2003 17:15 by Peter Campbell
Updated Mon, 13 Jan 2003 17:15

form 66,72

header {
text "\u001bE\x1b(s12H" 1,1

text "\x1b(s3BTO:" 7,3
text "DELIVER TO:\x1b(s0B" 7,49

field supplier(NAME) 9,3 38
field purchase_order(SHIP_TO_NAME) 9,44 38
field purchase_order(SHIP_TO_ADDRESS) 10,44 40,4

text "Fax No:" 11,3
field supplier(FAX_NO) 11,12 30

text "Date:" 15,44
field purchase_order(ORDER_DATE) 15,50 D
text "\x1b(s3BP U R C H A S E O R D E R" 19,26
field purchase_order(REF) 19,62 12

text "STOCK CODE" 23,1
text "DESCRIPTION" 23,13
text "MAKE & MODEL" 23,40
text "QTY" 23,78
text "UNIT COST" 23,83

text "----------" 24,1
text "-----------" 24,13
text "-----------" 24,40
text "---" 24,78
text "---------" 24,83
text "\x1b(s0B\x1b(s16.66H" 25,1

body 26,18 52,95 {
field part(PART) 1 13
field part(NAME) 18 40

field part(NAME2) 55 40

field purchase_line(QTY_REQUIRED) 105 6.0
field purchase_line(NET_PRICE) 115 10.2

footer {
text "\x1b(s12HIf you have any queries regarding this order please contact $user(NAME)" 54,3
text "\x1b(s3BINSTRUCTIONS:\x1b(s0B" 56,3
text "Please advise if items not available or if pricing has changed." 58,3
field purchase_order(INSTRUCTIONS) 60,3 50,3

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